Ostrava Museum,
contributory organization
17.00-23.00 Guided tours of permanent exhibitions
Collection of historical arts, the history of Ostrava, archeology, paleontology and geology, mineralogy, nature and landscape Ostrava.
17.00-20.30 Caps, hats and scarves in the colors of sport
Workshop for children and adults under the leadership of Markéta Jarešová . 18.15-19.30 Walk to the trees on Černá louka Program with coloring books and worksheets with a botanist Zdenka Rozbrojová. Meeting at 18.15 in front of the Ostrava Museum. Recommended for families with children!
18.30-19.30 The Healing Power of Stones
Lecture with examples of minerals with a geologist Eve Mertová.
19.00-20.30 / 21.00-22.00 Mamalör and the stories of an old Ostrava
Literary-musical program by an Ostrava band Mamalör (2005), whose music is inspired by klezmer melodies, songs of itinerant Jewish musicians from Eastern Europe and the stories of an old Ostrava. In their performances the musicians present klezmer not only in the instrumental form but also, which is less common, with a vocal component. Appearance: Tereza Cisovská (vocals), Tereza Janečková (accordion), Adéla Václavíková (flute and vocals), Jiří Macháček (bandleader, violin and vocals) and Marek Cisovský (guitar). |
Masarykovo náměstí 1,
728 41 Ostrava
E-mail: muzeum@ostrmuz.cz
www: https://www.ostrmuz.cz
phone number 597 578 450, 596 123 760
